Accessing My Purchases or Products

NOTE: If you purchased through Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT), unfortunately, Adventures in Speech Pathology (AISP) does not have access to the TPT back-end system. Customers will need to contact TPT directly. They typically respond very quickly.

TPT can be contacted directly HERE.

Please follow the steps below if you purchased through the Adventures in Speech Pathology (AISP) website.

You can access your purchases by logging in to your account

  • Click on "Downloads". You can also view your orders from this page.
  • We suggest you download the file to your PC using Google Chrome as the files are large and the download often times out on mobile devices.

Please be aware that we limit the number of times you can download your resource to protect our intellectual property. The limit is 5 downloads.

Please contact AISP customer support if you have reached your maximum downloads and require assistance.

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